Monday, April 5, 2010

I am beginning to think that grading is going to be one of the most difficult aspects of being a teacher- especially grading students' writing pieces.  For homework tonight, I reviewed a persuasive college essay.  I found many awkward sentences and slang language used throughout the essay.  I also took note of the writer's voice and tone throughout the paper.  The writer, a student criticized by the public and many members of his own family for street racing, used a bitter and angry tone throughout the entire essay.  I found myself bored to death hearing about this student and how much he hates that no one understands his love for street racing.  Looking at the holistic scale, I found it difficult to put this student's piece in a specific grading category.  When I did the "checklist" on the back, it made my job much easier because I could specifically locate which items for lacking in the essay and take points off.  But then I ask myself, should I really take THAT many points away because this kid is angry at the world?  Am I just not a good listener?  Ahh the duty of grading students is sure to be a challenge when I do begin teaching.  I've learned from reading this essay how important it is to "back up" a teacher's grade by providing a checklist of components that are required for points.  While this does limit a writer's freedom, it also helps them because the teacher can be more objective in order to justify a grade.  

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